





- Urriaren 12a Asteazkena. 19 h. Dohainik. Pulimentos del Norte.Cortes 29-31. 6º E. Bilbo.Tlf.: 944 159 525

1. “Robador. Sinfonía de una calle” 2011. Damián Peralta Mariñelarena (México, Barcelona, España) 28 minutos.

2. “Après le feu” 2010. Jacques Perconte (Francia) 7min 9 s.

3. “Addictions” 2011. Giovanni Bucci (Reino Unido) 2 min.

4. “Santa Eva” Judith Mata & Carla Fernández (Sevilla, España)

5. “Toma de posesión” Francisco Molina & Judith Mata

6. “Than” 2010. Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Reino Unido) 27 min.


- Urriaren 17a Astelehena. 19 h. Dohainik. Pulimentos del Norte.Cortes 29-31. 6º E. Bilbo.Tlf.: 944 159 525

7. “Genghis Khan’s  Dreams” 2009. Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Reino Unido) 12 min 44 s.

8. “Slick Horsing” 2010. Kiron Hussain (Inglaterra) 2 min 44 s.

9. “Walking City Redox” 2011. Michiel van Bakel (Paises Bajos) 3 min 30 s.

10. “Hello! An idea for a new video”  2010. Neno Belchev (Bulgaria) 3 min 3 s.

11. “D.I.V.A” 2011. Lara Celenza (Italia) 6 min 24 s

12. “Neurología 09 @ Goin’s palace” 2011. Antón Ignorant (Argentina-(Barcelona) España)

13. “Axiom” 2010. Rally Grizzell Larson (Philadelphia, EEUU). 1 min

14. “Metropol Drift Reaction” 2011. David Anthony Sant (Corea del Sur – Reino Unido) 4 min 11s

15. “Twelve haikus in lethargy (unfinished)” 2010. Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Reino Unido) 7 min 17 s

16. “A Movement Towards” 2010. David Anthony Sant (Reino Unido-Malta) 6 min 33 s

17. “Somewhere / Elsewhere” 2010. David Anthony Sant (Reino Unido- España) 3 min 6 s

18. “Mirrors” 2010. Demetra Englezou (Chipre) 3 min

19. “Der Bau” 2010. Thom Kubli (Alemania) 22 min 44s


- Urriaren 18a Asteartea. 19 h. Dohainik. D-Espacio. Dos de Mayo 2. Bilbo

20. “The Art-Qaeda Project” 2010. Wei-Ming Ho (Taiwán) 7 min

21. “Self-Destruction for eternity” 2011. Wei-Ming Ho (Taiwán) 6 min 26 s

22. “Marino de tierra” 2010. Jeymer Gamboa (Argentina) 20 min 21 s

23. “Rastros” 2010. Jeymer Gamboa (Argentina) 14 min 24 s

24. "The Face. Isle Of Lox” Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub (Argentina, Rumanía, Alemania) 3 min 54 s

25. "The Pink Situation". Isle Of Lox” Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub (Argentina, Rumanía, Alemania) 3 min

26. " The Fruits Electric. Isle Of Lox” Leyla Rodriguez & Cristian Straub (Argentina, Rumanía, Alemania) 3 min 44 s

27. “All in All II” 2011. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 1 min 2 s.

28. “Cosmism” 2011. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 1 min 5 s.

29. “Point Never” 2010. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 3 min 20 s.

30. “Higgs Bridge” 2010. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 2 min 56 s.

31. “Abtract No4” 2010. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 1 min 20 s.

32. “Gravity” 2010. Jonathan Gillie (Reino Unido) 1 min 30 s.

33. “Europa” 2011. Laura Fernández Blanco (España) 3 min. 40 s.

34. “Stories” 2011. Donato Rossi (Italia) 9 min. 29 s.


- Urriaren 19a Asteazkena. 19 h. Dohainik. D-Espacio. Dos de Mayo 2. Bilbo

35. “Bariku Light” 2011. Asier Abio (Euskal Herria) 10 min.

36. “Contra la gravedad” 2010. Asier Abio (Euskal Herria) 45 min.

37. “La Fuga” 2010. José Vieira (Portugal) 3 min 2 s.

38. “Siren Song” 2010. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 3 min 48 s.

39. “The Universe” 2010. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 2 min 10 s.

40. “What do animals dream?” 2011. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 2 min 10 s.

41. “Grow” 2010. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 2 min 59 s.

42. “Unentitled” 2010. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 3 min 17 s.

43. “Welcome to hard times” 2011. Marc Neys (Swoon) (Bélgica) 4 min 13 s.

44. “Sabor blanco” 2011. Jessica Llorente (España) 4 min

45. “Brizna” 2011. Jessica Llorente (España) 5 min


- Urriaren 21a Ostirala. 19 h. Dohainik. D-Espacio. Dos de Mayo 2. Bilbo

46. “Museum of revolution” 2011. Beate Hecher / Markus Keim (Austria) 5 min.

47. “Vanishing Point” 2010. Beate Hecher / Markus Keim (Austria) 16 min.

48. “Bonsai” 2011 Oscar Martin (España) 14 min 32 s

49. “El regalo” 2011. Irlanda Tambascio (España) 18 min

50. “Ocho” 2011. Raul Cerezo (España) 13 min 7 s.

51. “Dislocations” 2010. Celia Eid/ Sébastien Béranger (Francia) 10 min.

52. “Tierra roja” 2011. Miriam Isasi, María Salazar, Víctor Santamarina (España) 5 min 38 s.


- Urriaren 22a Larunbata. 19 h. Dohainik. Pulimentos del Norte.Cortes 29-31. 6º E. Bilbo.Tlf.: 944 159 525

53. “2049” 2011. María Salazar Riaño (España) 2 min 23 s

54. “Notebook Phase” 2011 Philipp Artus (Alemania) 6 min

55. “Jaque mate” 2011 Saray Blades (España) 3 min 30 s.

56. “Everybody knows that the bird is the Word” 2011 Saray Blades (España) 1 min 45 s.

57. “Technology will tear us apart” 2010-2011 Saray Blades (España) 1 min 1 s.

58. “Facial perception” 2010. Tahir Un (Turquía) 2 min 10 s

59. “Death of cameraman” 2010. Tahir Un (Turquía) 50 s

60. “Runaislamcorner” 2008. Ismael Iglesias (Reino Unido) 16 min 5 s.

61. “The searchers” 2008. Ismael Iglesias (Reino Unido) 4 min 59 s.

62. “La re-ocupación de mi esfera” 2011. Ismael Iglesias (España) 4 min 59 s.

63. “Haya” 2011. Danielle Itzhaqi & Dror Shohet (Israel) 9 min

64. “Heimat Obstruction” 2011. Riccardo Atanasio (Alemania) 9 min.

65. “Direction” 2006. Tahir Un (Turquía) 45 s

66. “Distress in the city” 2005. Tahir Un (Turquía) 3 min 20 s

67. “Fremden für’s leben” 2011. 
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemässen Blickfang (artist group)
” (The Netherlands / Germany / France)
 18 min 2 s.

68. “Umbra” 2011. Nestor Prieto (España) 6 min

69. “Organic Love Síntesis” 2010. Diego Barrera (España) 19 min

70. “Nunc et in hora” 2010. Francisco Brives (España) 83 min


- Urriaren 30. 11:30 h. Dohainik. Bibat Museoa. Cuchillería, 54. Vitoria-Gasteiz


“Bonsai” 2011 Oscar Martin (España) 14 min 32 s El árbol es un puente entre la tierra y el cielo, lo humano y lo divino. Aquel que pueda cultivar un árbo en un cuenco, tiene asegurada la inmortalidad. Así es el arte del Bonsái.

“Hello! An idea for a new video” 2010. Neno Belchev (Bulgaria) 3m 3s The first minute is an interpretation of two old jokes in nowadays situation. After that, in next 2 minutes there are some explanations about it. But the most important are the last 10-15 seconds from the video. Web:

“Après le feu” 2010. Jacques Perconte (Francia) 7’09”. In Ajaccio, when walking up in the middle of the night, some people thought their houses was on FIRE… In August 2009 I travelled by train through these Corsican lanas burnt by summer fires. The landsacape will be different during many years. I filmed the devastation. A few miles from Ajaccio, Corsica, burnt land is buckling Ander the weight of its colors. The ground is falling apart, realeasing pictural energies that take over the sky. I’m starting at the vanishing skyline. And the train keeps on rolling…

“Axiom” 2010. Rally Grizzell Larson (Philadelphia, EEUU). 1 min

“Genghis Khan’s Dreams” 2009. Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Reino Unido) 12,44 min The film was made out of footage shot in the museum of legendary Soviet director Sergey Parajanov in Yerevan, Armenia, with their co-operation, and completed in our own Studio in London. We presnt this film to swell amongst your senses. Sculptures as a poetic movement with a desire to match that dreamy state of breath and to visualize the rhytm of the substance pulsating in between the real and unreal, Genghis Khan’s Dreams is short and interrupted like a deamitself. Images flota and tranform to livid flickr by the end. On the bordeline of imaginable and posible scenarios, the camera transcendí the unpredictable cadentes of eroded textura, fragile frames and vibrating colours. The inert forms rage against the trae embodiment: the lace of a tablecloth falls down onto the chasm of the interior like snow at night; the sleeping Genghis Khan is justa n incorporeal shining outline; the cards are shuffled as is their purpose –their symbolism is vague while telling the fortune; the fans flota like angels; the flowers fall apart into petals; the photographs become yellow with time and the images of dearest ones fade also; the gods at their gólgotas become de-personified into clear luminescence, shroud and crêpe.

“Metropol Drift Reaction” 2011. David Anthony Sant (Corea del Sur – Reino Unido) 4 min 11s The filming method used to create this film can best be described as Extemporaneous Film Making. The filming process evolved over a period of four weeks with instances of poetic motion being captured erratically and within three or more takes. Decisions about what to capture and what not to capture germinated and became themes within a work that documents an odyssey through some of the districts of Seoul, South Korea.

“Rastros” 2010. Jeymer Gamboa (Argentina) 14 min 24 s Un hombre realiza un viaje en auto con un oscuro objetivo en el que intentará borrar los rastros que ha dejado.

3ª clasificada:

“Tierra roja” 2011. Miriam Isasi, María Salazar, Víctor Santamarina (España) 5 min 38 s. Pamplona 2011. La identidad de la ciudad es un estrato de tradiciones ancestrales que perviven actualizándose con el paso del tiempo. Desde una mirada visitante aparecen los vestigios de la ciudad amurallada pero permeable a la vez al paso de los peregrinos, o a los turistas de San Fermín. Una constante de flujos intermitentes se van sucediendo en el tiempo y generan contextos y situaciones que determinan los rasgos propios de Pamplona y sus habitantes, dando forma a una identidad contemporánea de la ciudad.

2nd prize:

“Everybody knows that the bird is the Word” 2011 Saray Blades (España) 1 min 45 s. Acciones cometidas durante la infancia, tienen sus consecuentes reacciones en la edad adulta.

1st prize:

“Museum of revolution” 2011. Beate Hecher / Markus Keim (Austria) 5 min. Museum of Revolution: a dismantling of German everyday culture in the age of reaction in front of a museum shell securde with barbwire and a wall.


- Urriaren 31a AsteleHEna 19h dohainik. BilbaoArte. Urazurrutia 32. Bilbo


“Bonsai” 2011 Oscar Martin (España) 14 min 32 s El árbol es un puente entre la tierra y el cielo, lo humano y lo divino. Aquel que pueda cultivar un árbo en un cuenco, tiene asegurada la inmortalidad. Así es el arte del Bonsái.

“Hello! An idea for a new video” 2010. Neno Belchev (Bulgaria) 3m 3s The first minute is an interpretation of two old jokes in nowadays situation. After that, in next 2 minutes there are some explanations about it. But the most important are the last 10-15 seconds from the video. Web:

“Après le feu” 2010. Jacques Perconte (Francia) 7’09”. In Ajaccio, when walking up in the middle of the night, some people thought their houses was on FIRE… In August 2009 I travelled by train through these Corsican lanas burnt by summer fires. The landsacape will be different during many years. I filmed the devastation. A few miles from Ajaccio, Corsica, burnt land is buckling Ander the weight of its colors. The ground is falling apart, realeasing pictural energies that take over the sky. I’m starting at the vanishing skyline. And the train keeps on rolling…

“Axiom” 2010. Rally Grizzell Larson (Philadelphia, EEUU). 1 min

“Genghis Khan’s Dreams” 2009. Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Reino Unido) 12,44 min The film was made out of footage shot in the museum of legendary Soviet director Sergey Parajanov in Yerevan, Armenia, with their co-operation, and completed in our own Studio in London. We presnt this film to swell amongst your senses. Sculptures as a poetic movement with a desire to match that dreamy state of breath and to visualize the rhytm of the substance pulsating in between the real and unreal, Genghis Khan’s Dreams is short and interrupted like a deamitself. Images flota and tranform to livid flickr by the end. On the bordeline of imaginable and posible scenarios, the camera transcendí the unpredictable cadentes of eroded textura, fragile frames and vibrating colours. The inert forms rage against the trae embodiment: the lace of a tablecloth falls down onto the chasm of the interior like snow at night; the sleeping Genghis Khan is justa n incorporeal shining outline; the cards are shuffled as is their purpose –their symbolism is vague while telling the fortune; the fans flota like angels; the flowers fall apart into petals; the photographs become yellow with time and the images of dearest ones fade also; the gods at their gólgotas become de-personified into clear luminescence, shroud and crêpe.

“Metropol Drift Reaction” 2011. David Anthony Sant (Corea del Sur – Reino Unido) 4 min 11s The filming method used to create this film can best be described as Extemporaneous Film Making. The filming process evolved over a period of four weeks with instances of poetic motion being captured erratically and within three or more takes. Decisions about what to capture and what not to capture germinated and became themes within a work that documents an odyssey through some of the districts of Seoul, South Korea.

“Rastros” 2010. Jeymer Gamboa (Argentina) 14 min 24 s Un hombre realiza un viaje en auto con un oscuro objetivo en el que intentará borrar los rastros que ha dejado.

3ª clasificada:

“Tierra roja” 2011. Miriam Isasi, María Salazar, Víctor Santamarina (España) 5 min 38 s. Pamplona 2011. La identidad de la ciudad es un estrato de tradiciones ancestrales que perviven actualizándose con el paso del tiempo. Desde una mirada visitante aparecen los vestigios de la ciudad amurallada pero permeable a la vez al paso de los peregrinos, o a los turistas de San Fermín. Una constante de flujos intermitentes se van sucediendo en el tiempo y generan contextos y situaciones que determinan los rasgos propios de Pamplona y sus habitantes, dando forma a una identidad contemporánea de la ciudad.

2nd prize:

“Everybody knows that the bird is the Word” 2011 Saray Blades (España) 1 min 45 s. Acciones cometidas durante la infancia, tienen sus consecuentes reacciones en la edad adulta.

1st prize:

“Museum of revolution” 2011. Beate Hecher / Markus Keim (Austria) 5 min. Museum of Revolution: a dismantling of German everyday culture in the age of reaction in front of a museum shell securde with barbwire and a wall.